Name: Alison Gibbs
Business Name: Alison Gibbs Creations
Online storefronts: Website shop
1. So, tell us about yourself........
I live in Mt Martha. I am a wife, mother to four and grandma to seven.
2. Why handmade?
I grew up with a very creative mother, who could put her hand to anything - sewing, knitting, crocheting, oil painting and always paying attention to the finest of details. Handmade creations are so satisfying to make and receive. You put your heart and soul into what you create. One thing I love about handmade pieces is that no two pieces are the same.
3. What influenced you to start your business?
I couldn't find the jewellery I wanted to wear so decided to make my own. My jewellery is made using vintage elements - cottons, ribbons, buttons, laces, beads and some costume jewellery for decorative accents. My friends liked what I made and suggested trying to sell some.
4. What type of products do you sell?
I create various things - necklaces, bracelets, hand-dyed lace cuffs, heart plaques, bunting and gift tags.
5. What are your inspirations for making your products?
Oh wow - what are my inspirations?? When creating my jewellery, I love to lay out all the elements (lace, ribbons, trims, buttons, beads, etc) in different colour ways. Then its a bit like....ah ha....this goes with this, this goes with that. Its whatever takes me at that moment.
6. Where do you sell your products?
I have a website Some of my jewellery is also available at Open Drawer, 1158 Toorak Rd, Camberwell. Appointments can be made to view my work.
7. How much time do you spend making your products each week?
Hard to judge how much time I spend creating as I currently babysit grandchildren four days a week, so free time is scarce. Due to these time constraints, I probably only spend about 12 hours a week creating.
8. Do you have a dedicated craft area or studio in your home?
I am lucky enough to have a studio - a room all to myself. To dream, be inspired and create my pieces. It is also somewhere to display my various pieces for people (by appointment) to come for a look.
9. Are you self taught or have you had a good teacher?
Definitely self taught. I think I have my mothers 'can do' attitude. I have a great group of friends who are very creative in so many aspects. I tend to first off create for myself, then if I really like it, I will set about making a couple of similar pieces to sell. If its not something I like myself, then I think probably no one else will either.