So I was originally going to do a quick Facebook post on this afternoon's project, but decided that it deserved a blog post of its own. Rather red-faced, it has been a long time between posts, so thought it was high time to write something hopefully interesting.
A quick trip to the local fruit and veg store this afternoon, saw me lugging in three bags of produce - mostly fruit for my new juicer. I quickly got started on my intended project, fresh orange juice. Now this is nothing spectacularly different, but wow, it tasted SO good, I wondered what else I could make with it? Then the light bulb thought of home-made orange cordial came to me……yes, that was it!
After a quick search on the net, I came across this recipe from Towards Sustainability and now that I have discovered this blog, I will no doubt be marking it as one of my must-reads on my iPad.
The finished product….so yummy! |
The cordial was dead easy to make….simply mix sugar with water in a saucepan and dissolve over a low heat. Then add the fruit juice - I had fresh orange, but anything could be used. I also added some citric acid, to help preserve the mixture in the fridge, but I think when my son comes home, he will soon make short work of this batch. Now that I think of it, I might have to raid my mum's lemon tree to make a batch of lemon……yummy and refreshing!
Ingredients... |
So, why make your own?
1. It is delicious and unlike store bought orange cordial, it actually tastes like real fruit.
2. I know exactly what went into it……and exactly what didn't!
3. It is really cheap to make….I think it would have cost about one dollar for about a litre.
4. What a great way to use up any excess fruit! Many citrus trees are often overloaded with fruit.
5. I am happy for my son to drink this, in moderation of course!
6. Another great use for the juicer that I got for Christmas……smile.
Love my juicer! |
Although I don't make New Year's resolutions, during my holiday I have been putting down the foundations for my Autumn veg crop and really aiming to grow as much of my own food as possible.
I have also been inspired to start making more home-made food, hopefully using much of my backyard harvest. There are zucchinis starting to grow huge overnight, ready to be included with some yummy pasta. I have a recipe for homemade spelt pasta, now I can give my dusty pasta maker a run for its money. Tomatoes are not far off…..can't wait to tuck into them!
It makes for a satisfying lifestyle, making and growing your own food. I would love to hear about your homemade, handmade and homegrown stories…..!
MPH xx
Agree with the satisfaction you get at making treats like this. I have today just made my first five jars of strawberry jam. The first of a variety of jams and preserves I make with this season's crop. (Yes - I make cordial like you, too!)
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful…..the old crafts and skills are invaluable in today's fast paced life. Great to hear from you!
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