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Saturday 22 October 2011

Too precious not to share..........babies in my garden

Today I found something so beautiful and rare, I just had to share it with you.
As I was out pruning the hedge in my back garden this morning, I peered into it and was absolutely delighted to find a bird's nest.  Even more delighted to find it had three little plump, fuzzy blackbird babies in it!  How exciting, oh I was so so happy.  I had never seen a nest so close, with live babies too!  I was careful not to prune anymore foliage from around it, in case I frightened the mother off.  Some time later, I was relieved to see mummy blackbird fly in,  with a beak full of juicy worms, ready to share with her babies. 

Now although most of you don't know me well, those that do, know that I love birds.  Of any kind..... and they never fail to bring a smile to my face. They are my favourite things to look at, whether it is seagulls, or the rosellas that come to feed in my garden, maybe the naughty Cockatoo that has been landing on my front deck of late, or the majestic Wedge-Tailed Eagle..........if I am lucky enough, sometimes the eagles soar over my house and this is my favourite bird of all, ever since I was a child.  Every weekend when I was little,  I would look up to the hill and would sometimes spy them high up in the sky, over Arthur's Seat, soaring so beautifully. This is a memory I cherish.

A zoomed in close up of the three babies

Perched in the hedge, such a well built nest!

I hope you like the photos, I know they are not really on the subject of handmade, but they are made by my back yard feathered friends, so that is good enough for me!!  Such simple things bring me happiness.......I hope it brought you a smile too!
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.


MPH xx


  1. Awww Bless.. what a precious find. It is a real sign of the season lots of new life and rejuvenation. *smiling* it might not be handmade but the nest is definitely beak made.

  2. Ha ha, I love it!! Beak-made!! Very clever........now I am smiling again :)


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