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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Meet the Maker..........Jacinta from "Roxyoxy Creations"

I hope you are all having a lovely evening......it has been a hugely busy day, hence the late posting of this week's Meet the Maker.....I hope you like it!!  May I present the very creative Jacinta, from Roxyoxy Creations!!!

Name:  Jacinta Oxford

Business Name:  Roxyoxy Creations

Website:  www.roxyoxy.com.au

Online storefronts:  www.roxyoxy.com.au

Facebook:  roxyoxy creations

Twitter:  n/a


1.  So, tell us about yourself.......
I am a mother to 2 gorgeous kids, Ryan - 9 and Ajarnae - 7 and wife to an amazingly supportive hubby, who just adores me sooo happy creating my artwork.  I have had a HUGE career change since having kids, as pre-children I was an extremely busy DIETITIAN, running 5 private practises on the Mornington Peninsula and lecturing at TAFE and Cerberus too.  When I fell pregnant with my first child, I sold my practises as I knew I wanted to a MUM, first and foremost.  I have always been creative but since having  kids, this was exemplified with spending a lot of time with kids doing fun paper based activities.  I started playing around with simple wall art for my own kids rooms.  Friends saw my work and wanted me to create pieces for their children's bedrooms.  I just loved it.

2.  Why handmade?
Its such a wonderful thing to buy something someone has loving spent time creating for you.  I just love the originality, detail and effort that goes into handmade products.  Just inspiring!!

3.  What influenced you to start your business?
After making some artwork for girlfriends' children, they really encouraged me to branch out and start making art for others.  At the time, my kids were at school so I had a little more time during the day to think about maybe turning my art into a small business.  Hence Roxyoxy Creations started.

4.  What type of products do you sell?
I only sell beautiful, original 3D children's art which I design myself, make templates of every little piece, before meticulously hand cutting all the paper to create my design.  I mount and then frame them myself. All of my work has the feeling it is 3D, as I mount the paper with foam padding behind it.  I never make two pieces the same and can custom make artwork to suit individual colour preferences if required.

5.  What are your inspirations for making your products?
I draw inspiration from EVERYWHERE!  Children's illustrations, websites, t-shirt designs and "definitely" from my own children.  I am drawn to "old fashioned play" and the simple things that make kids happy.  Blowing bubbles, imaginary play, tea parties, cubbies, skipping, tree houses, beach, flying kites, etc etc.  In my own family, I am very much an advocate of encouraging "creative play" that doesn't involve technology!  My artwork is evolving all the time, as I get more confident, my skills develop, trends change and what people are asking for.  I have a head full of new ideas but TIME is the issue - there is simply not enough hours in the day.

6.  Where do you sell your products?
At this stage I am keeping my business small and selling at local markets (Red Hill) and occasional city markets (Mathildas and Boutique Markets).  I have a website set up so work can be viewed then ordered via my website.

7.  How much time do you spend making your products each week?
This varies from week to week, as my children's demands change.  I also do all the administration for my hubby's building business and exercise (running/cycling) is an extremely important part of my day.  On average I would spend 3-5 hours most days on my craft.

8.  Do you have a dedicated draft area or studio in your home?
At the moment I work from my home study - but my darling hubby says there are plans for a new studio in the near future!!  Wow, that's exciting!!!

9.  Are you self taught or have you had a good teacher?
I am completely self taught.  I have always collected and been fascinated with PAPER.  Ask my hubby!!  I say I am a PAPER ADDICT - I am like a kid in a candy store when I enter a paper shop - JUST LOVE IT!!  Since having the kids I just love everything about children's design, fashion, room decor, etc.  So being able to marry my two passions has been AMAZING!!  I just hope people love my work just as much as I adore making it for them!!!

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